Friday, September 20, 2019


Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations (Jeremiah 1:5).      

Being born again, there’s a definite place for you that nobody else occupies. You don’t have a duplicate. Nobody was ever like you; no one is like you today, and no one will ever be like you. There’s a definite purpose for your life, and when your purpose is clear, everything else lines up for you

Have you discovered why God created you? You may say, “He created all of us to serve Him; to worship Him and be in fellowship with Him.” All of that is nice, but why did He create YOU? It’s about YOU.

I discovered my purpose very early in life. As a teenager, I wrote in my diary, “I was born as an answer to the cry of millions.” My purpose was clear; I knew what to live for, and I made up my mind to be God’s best for me, because I’m the only one of me that He has.

Sadly, many live and grow old without ever knowing the reason they came. Nothing could be more miserable than that! There’s no life more empty and frustrating than to live without a purpose.

You’re not an accident in this world. God didn’t bring you into this world to merely “complete the square.” Consider the fact that there’re over 7 billion people on the face of the earth, but no two fingerprints are alike.

You’re unique, and so is your destiny in Christ. Whatever God destined you to do, nobody can do it exactly like you. Nobody can say what He wants you to say the exact way you’d say it. Nobody can get your kind of results.

Therefore, get excited about your uniqueness. Fulfil your purpose. Be what God made you to be. He planned before the foundation of the world that you’d serve Him and live for Him. Through you, His righteousness would be established in the earth, and in the hearts of men. Glory to His Name forever!

I’m filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. My life is for the glory of God, and I’m pleasing Him in all things, doing the good works which He prearranged ahead of time. I’m God’s vessel of righteousness, and through me, His righteousness is established in the earth and in the hearts of men, in Jesus’ Name. 


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