Saturday, September 7, 2019


You are not permitted to carry any fibroid in the Name of Jesus.
Whosoever has fibroids, let them pass out right away in the Name of Jesus.
May God's goodness overshadow your life now in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Any pastor without a burning vision For church growth will never experience greatness.

Pastor spend time with your leaders to mentor them. 

*[[Act 10:34]] KJV* Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

1) As a man of God, you must write the vision.
2) As a man of God, stop doing business.
3) It is either you are a pastor or a business man.
4) Have a burning vision for church growth.
5) Train lay people not professionals.
6) Lay people can help you achieve great things in life.
7) Lay people are a great pillars of information.

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  Mark 4:24 You create the capacity for receiving by your hearing. If you can listen in such a way that your faith is built, you will receiv...