Monday, October 14, 2019


THE COVENANT PRACTICE OF GIVING AND RECEIVING SERVICE OBJECTIVES: Understanding the covenant practice of giving (or sowing) and receiving (or reaping) THINGS TO NOTE: 1. Giving and receiving is an unbreakable law of God (Gen. 8:22; Luke 6:38; 2Cor. 9:6-7; Ps. 126:5) 2. Receiving always precedes giving (Deut. 16:17; Matt. 10:8b; 2Cor. 8:12; 1Chron. 29:14) God will not ask a person to give what Him (God) has not given 3. God owns the earth, all that is in it and all that man has (Ps. 24:1) 3a. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Ps. 24:1; 89:11; 1Cor. 10:26; Hag. 2:8; 1Chron. 29:14) 3b. We brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of the world (Job 1:21; Eccl. 5:15,16; 1Cor. 4:7) We met everything in this world and we shall leave everything the way we met them (Eccl. 5:15) 3c. God owns the life and the breath that we have to earn anything on earth (Job 12:10; 33:4; Ps. 104:29; Acts 17:28) Perspective determines performance 3d. God owns the energy and strength we use to earn anything (Ps. 18:1,2; 19:14; 21:1; 27:1; 28:7) 3e. God owns the favours and the opportunities that give us anything (Eccl. 9:11; Ex. 12:36; Rom. 9:16; Ps. 106:4; 5:12; 1Cor. 4:7) What determines men’s outcome is not their power, skill or connections but the mercy of God You cannot make the right choice without the help of God 3f. God owns the wisdom (or brain) that brought us any income (Dan. 2:20,21; John 3:27; Phil. 2:13) Every manifestation of wisdom is the help of God Every right choice is a product of Divine help; it takes God to choose right You cannot make the right choices and the right moves without the help of God Every choice that stepped you into an explosive dimension of help was by the help of God and must never be taken for granted SCRIPTURAL EXAMPLES OF GIVING AND RECEIVING: 1. God took the rib from Adam and returned the Eve (Gen. 2:21-22) What God takes from man is not to meet God’s need, it is geared towards meeting man’s need What man releases to God is shadow compared to what God returns to man 2. God multiplied the meal for the widow of Zarephath (1Kings 17:13-16) What we give to God does not get lost, it is only multiplied and returned into our future Your seed holds the key to your future 3. God multiplied the oil for the prophet’s widow (2Kings 4:2-6) The potential of every seed is manifested in its release The seed is the answer to the siege 4. God turned water into wine at the wedding of Cana of Galilee (John 2:6-8) God takes what you have to give you what you need; God processes your seed to give you your need H2O turned to C6H12O6 when Jesus turned water into wine God multiplies what you have and adds what you lack to handle what you need 5. Jesus multiplied five loaves and two fishes to feed 5,000 men besides women and children (John 6:11-12) 6. The miracle of the Abrahamic seed (Gen. 22:1-4, 15-17) 6a. The seed is the magnet of the Blessing 6b. The seed is the secret of multiplication 6c. The seed is key to the future 6d. The seed is key to triumph over the enemy Whatever is in the hands of man is limited in possibility but whatever is in the Hands of God is limitless in potential TYPES OF GIVING: 1. The regular worship offering (1Chron. 16:29; Deut. 16:17; Ps. 96:8; Mark 12:41-44; Ex. 34:20b; Deut. 16:16) The size of your offering per time is a reflection of your value for God With offering, what moves God is not the quantity but the quality (Mark 12:41-44) 2. Kingdom project giving (Ex. 35:5-11; Ex. 36:5-7; 1Chron. 29:2-3; Ezra 6:14; Luke 7:2-6; Ps. 132:1-5) What you do for God today answers for you in times of need tomorrow 3. Vows and sacrifices (1Sam. 1:11; Ps. 126:1-5; 20:1-3; 50:14-15; Gen. 8:20-22; Ps. 132:1-5) 4. Giving to the less privileged (Prov. 19:17; Ps. 41:1; Prov. 29:7; Job 29:2-3,11-13; Gen. 14:14) 5. Responsibility giving (Eph. 6:1-3; Gal. 6:6; Lev. 19:13; Gen. 27:1-4; Heb. 7:7; Deut. 24:14-15) This is giving to earthly parents, pastors, wife and children, mentors etc. It is giving to those you are responsible towards. It also includes hired workers and employees Any service you can’t pay for, you don’t need it (Lev. 19:13) Your responsibilities determine your possibilities 6. Tithes (and first fruits) (Gen. 14:18-20; Ezek. 44:30; Lev. 27:30; Mal. 3:10-11; Heb. 7:8) WHEN NOT TO GIVE: 1. When giving is not done in faith (Rom. 14:23b) 2. When you doubt the integrity of the system (2Cor. 8:20-21; 2Chron. 20:20b; 2Cor. 9:7) This is when you doubt the administration of the money 3. When your income source is ungodly (Prov. 15:8) PRAYERS: Father, I am in Your Hands, do with me what You have in mind. My life is in Your Hands; You own me and everything I have. Have Your way in my life and fulfil Your purpose in my life Lord, in Jesus’ Name Father, I come before You to hand over my life, destiny and future. Help me Lord to live for You. PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS: - Between now and the end of 2019, unbelievable and undeniable open doors shall happen for you! - Every agenda of the enemy regarding your life, family and destiny is aborted! - Every cage used to cage your life and destiny is set on fire now!! - No divination against you is permitted to prosper! - This week shall be your week of supernatural open doors, any system that needs you this week shall locate you! - Every red sea before you shall be parted this week! - This week, the mantle of the commission shall speak for you!


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  Mark 4:24 You create the capacity for receiving by your hearing. If you can listen in such a way that your faith is built, you will receiv...