Friday, September 6, 2019


Ask yourself these questions: 

"Could Jesus be on earth now and be stranded?

If He were married to your wife or husband, would He be quarrelling and fighting with His spouse? 

If He were riding in a car would He be involved in an accident and be trapped under the vehicle, with some villagers helping to pull His legs out of the wreck?

Would He be sick and be on admission in a hospital somewhere, with a nurse punching His body with a needle?" 

If your answer to all these questions is no, then know that it is not God's plan for you either. 

Jesus was an epitome of eternal life, He was eternal life in person. So, look at Jesus, compare yourself with Him and see whether you measure up to God's expectations or not. 

If we have the life He has, we should have the proofs He had ! Remember that at the age of twelve, with eternal life at work in Him, the doctors of law were all amazed at the wisdom with which Jesus spoke. He had not even been baptized in the Holy Ghost then, yet His mind was sharp! 

He displayed mental soundness, such as was in Adam before the fall, because He was connected to the same source of life Adam was connected to. That is why it is an insult for a man with ordinary human life to beat a man with eternal life in any examination or interview! 

Being born again is a spiritual reality with earthly evidences!

Please know that you are not on earth merely as a mortal man, but as a superior being, made a god on the earth. 

No revelation taunts the devil  as this one. It is  a fundamental revelation for the end-time Church which will produce saviours on Mount Zion. Not just apostles, prophets, etc. as we have been used to, but men and women who will stand in the shoes of the Messiah, taking their place in God.

See you at the top.

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