Friday, September 6, 2019


Ask yourself these questions: 

"Could Jesus be on earth now and be stranded?

If He were married to your wife or husband, would He be quarrelling and fighting with His spouse? 

If He were riding in a car would He be involved in an accident and be trapped under the vehicle, with some villagers helping to pull His legs out of the wreck?

Would He be sick and be on admission in a hospital somewhere, with a nurse punching His body with a needle?" 

If your answer to all these questions is no, then know that it is not God's plan for you either. 

Jesus was an epitome of eternal life, He was eternal life in person. So, look at Jesus, compare yourself with Him and see whether you measure up to God's expectations or not. 

If we have the life He has, we should have the proofs He had ! Remember that at the age of twelve, with eternal life at work in Him, the doctors of law were all amazed at the wisdom with which Jesus spoke. He had not even been baptized in the Holy Ghost then, yet His mind was sharp! 

He displayed mental soundness, such as was in Adam before the fall, because He was connected to the same source of life Adam was connected to. That is why it is an insult for a man with ordinary human life to beat a man with eternal life in any examination or interview! 

Being born again is a spiritual reality with earthly evidences!

Please know that you are not on earth merely as a mortal man, but as a superior being, made a god on the earth. 

No revelation taunts the devil  as this one. It is  a fundamental revelation for the end-time Church which will produce saviours on Mount Zion. Not just apostles, prophets, etc. as we have been used to, but men and women who will stand in the shoes of the Messiah, taking their place in God.

See you at the top.


 I am a child of God and have the God-kind of life in me. I am royalty and I belong to the class of God. I am correctly (righteous) positioned with my Father. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places far above powers, rulers and principalities of the enemy. I abide in the LORD. I am planted on a fruitful hill. (Is.5:1-2, Ps 82:6, John 10:10, 35, Eph.2:2-6, 1John 4:4, 5:4)

I thank God for choosing and anointing me to LEAD and SERVE God’s children. I am privileged to serve in God’s kingdom. God did not choose me because I am best but because I am highly favoured by Him. With humility and honour I serve God by serving His people. I am led to lead. I have a receptive and teachable spirit towards God’s Word. Every time I hear the Word, my eyes open because God Has given me the Spirit of Understanding. I become more and more like Jesus as I believe and Act on His Word. I am always ahead of all those I lead in order to inspire and stir them forward. (Ps.119:18, Eph.1:17-18, 2Cor.3:18, 1Pet.1:23)

The Spirit of God is inside me and upon me. He Has anointed me for exploits. Every yoke of the enemy is destroyed upon my life and on those I minister to. My life is becoming better and better all the time. The level of the anointing keeps on increasing upon my life. The Spirit of wisdom and knowledge is upon. I am assigned to lead God’s people to greatness. I am able to do all things because God enables me. I am a faithful overseer over God’s affairs. Wealth and honour are attracted to me because I serve God diligently.  (1 Sam.16:13, 1Chron.1:12, Is.33:6, Rom.11:33, Col.2:3 Lk.4:18, John 17:18, Acts 1:8, 10:38, 1John2:27)

I am a man under authority. I am divinely led and submissive to Christ’s ordained authority. I therefore have a spiritual covering over me. I am a committed leader who offers himself sacrificially for the good of the Kingdom. I know that every kingdom star is born at the altar of sacrifice. I am a diligent and addicted worker in the kingdom just like Jesus was. I am a visionary, skillful, discerning and focused leader committed to my assignment. (Gen.16:9, 1 Cor.16:16, Heb.13:17, 1 Pet.2:13, 5:5)

I labour in the Word every day. I labour in all my kingdom assignments. I am not failure. I think (meditate) on God’s Word day and night. I am a doer of the Word. I can never be stranded in life or run of ideas. I am a success because I have an excellent Spirit in me. I deal wisely in all my affairs. Whatever I do prospers. I am bearing fruit all year round. I serve God willingly and diligently. I have divine backing. I am growing in my knowledge of God all the time. I am the head and I am above always. I rejoice every day like one that has found great spoil.(Exod.23:25, Josh.1:8, Job 63:11, Ps. 1:3, 119:48,78,148, 122:6, Dan.5:12,6:3,John 6:27,Rom.12:16:6,12, 1Cor.3:8,4:12, 15:58, 2 Cor.5:9, Phil.4:8,)

Christ-like spirit of leadership is upon me. I am a good example of kingdom living to the believers and the world. My good example in my marriage, in speech, in love, in spirit, in faith, patience and purity influences people positively. I am adding value every time to the kingdom. God is using me to bring out the best out of God’s people. I am a great inspiration to every one. I am a good steward over God’s resources. I invest my time wisely. My good life is reproduced in all those I disciple. I am overflowing. (John13:15, 1Cor.4:16, 11:1, Eph.5:1, Phil.3:17, 1Tim.4:12, 1Thes.1:6, 2:14, 2 Thes.3:7, 9, Heb.6:12, 13:7, James 5:10, 1Pet.2:21)

I have overcome the world because I am born of God. I am superior to Satan. Sin no longer dominates me. The Spirit lives in me and vitalizes my mortal body.  I walk in divine health. I shall never lay my back on a sick bed. Long life is my potion. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Josh.14:11, Rom.6:14, 8:11, 2 Cor.2:14, 1John5:4-5, 1Pet.2:24)



1) Be obedient and tremble at God's word
2) Submit to divine authority as you believe and honour your Prophet.
3) Honour the grace by sowing seeds into your Spiritual Father.
4) Honour God with your material blessings.
5)  Give sacrificially.
6) Serve under your spiritual Father faithfully.



1) Sexual immorality
2) Unfaithfulness in tithing, offerings and affairs of life.
3) Disloyalty, rebellion and familiarity

This is not controlled by a mere demon; it is an act that is controlled by a principality called the spirit of whoredom or harlotry, in the hierarchy of the kingdom of darkness.

Hos 4:12, 5:4, Eph 6:12-18, 2 Cor 10:3-4

Your body is an altar. (Rom 12:1-2) defiling and controlling it, is the primary objective of the spirit of whoredom

Sexual immorality committed by a believer who has been washed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus is more dangerous and has more serious consequences than that committed by a non believer who has never surrendered his life to Jesus in God's sight  (Heb 10:26-31)

This is because a non believer is spiritually dead. But a born again believer is spiritually alive and his body has become God's temple

(Eph 2:1-5) now offering your body in sexual immorality is equivalent to idolatry in God's sight. In that you take God's altar, your body, to other gods (the principality of whoredom)
Solomon started worshiping the idols of foreign concubines he was sleeping with. Because of their sexual covenant, this linked him to the idols they worshipped.

Numbers 25:1-3-15. The Israelites, as they defiled their bodies in sexual immorality with the women of Moab and the Medianites, themselves to the altars those women served, before the Israelites knew it, they were joined and started sacrificing and bowing down to their god called baal of peor.

√ God is your judge and rewarder, not the man of God
√ Your faithfulness in tithes and offerings  only proves your love and dependence on God, this creates a platform for His blessing to rest upon you and your household.

√ It's your faithfulness in these that will majorly determine what God can entrust you with. 

Your ability to let go of your seed so that you can get your desired harvest is what defines your capacity. You can't possess what is beyond your capacity (Pro 10:22, 3:9-10, Heb 11:6, 2 Kings 5:1-27, Mal 3:8-12, acts 5:1-10, Ezek 44:30-31).

Your life's assignment is connected to the grace upon your spiritual Father who is your spiritual covering.
Your familiarity has the capacity to stop that grace upon him from functioning in your life.

Your rebellion against your spiritual Father has the ability to hinder and abort your assignment. It creates a room for  any demon or curse to land and operate effectively in your life.
Your disloyalty disqualifies you from being a partaker of the grace he carries after which you can never manifest in  your own assignment. This is because, after your familiarity, disloyalty comes in and the end result will be rebellion as you become a spiritual  vagabond.
(Numbers 12:1-15, mark 6:1-6, 2 kings 5:1-27, Luke 6:40, Luke 15:11-31)
 *[[Num 25:1]] KJV* And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab.



√ Your connection to your spiritual Father,determines what happens to you in fulfilling your divine purpose.
√ A spiritual father is like a tree
√ All of us have been wired to fulfill a divine purpose.
√ Grace is divine enablement to fulfill divine purpose.
√ Even as a businessman, you need the grace of your spiritual father in order to make impact in your business world.
√ The grace of your spiritual Father amplifies what God has deposited into you.

√ The Grace of your spiritual Father,should sustain you.
√ If you don't know how to connect and flow with the grace of your Spiritual Father,you are doomed forever
√ It takes revelation to locate a spiritual Father.
√ If you can't hear the voice of God ,hear the voice of your Spiritual Father,
√ You are here on earth to fulfill your divine assignment.
*[[Eph 6:12]] KJV* For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
√ When you commit sexual immorality, you become like a container which is punctured.
√ Grace can't stay in unholy vessel.


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