✅They are ever learning.
✅Learning also involves unlearning wrong things.
✅If you don't make deposits into your Heart, you will have nothing to withdraw in the time of adversity.
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
✅Verbalize the word of God.
✅If the Church does not have money in these end times, it will not survive, it will be bought by non believers..
✅Accept what you hear.
✅Don't accept rugs, go for riches.
✅Africa, how do you allow yourself to be colonized by the Chinese ?
✅How do You allow the Chinese to be selling chickens and Charcoal in the markets in your own countries?
✅If the things you hear from God's word have no place in your heart for application , you will also be building shrines like African Governments do for their late presidents.
✅Choose to be different
✅Be willing to take radical decisions and changes.
✅Many Christians compromise the principles of the word of God with ancestral worship.
✅How can a Christian be watching traditional dancers?
✅How can a Christian be attending N'cwala ceremony, Kusemfwa Pang'wena Ceremony,Likumbi Lyamizi Ceremony etc?
✅If you belong to Christ, take a radical stand against traditional ceremonies.
✅The reason you can not worship God fully is because you are so entangled with evil worship.
✅Take a radical stand for Jesus Christ.
✅If you don't take a radical stand for Jesus Christ, Satan will bruise you.
✅Refuse to be oppressed by the devil.
✅You don't belong to the devil.
✅You have been anointed to destroy Satan.
✅You are a master to Satan.
✅Don't settle for less.
✅Let Satan know that you are a winner.
✅Let Satan know that you are much better today than yesterday
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