Sunday, September 15, 2019


Ø  I cannot be disadvantaged in any way, its all working together for my good because i love the Lord. My finances are booming all the time, I lay up gold as dust. 

Ø  I increase in fortune. Great is my peace and prosperity. I am a great personality, I have access to all nations, no limitations, no boundaries. 

Ø  The glory of God is risen upon me, I am the effulgence of God's presence. God tabernacles in me, I carry His atmosphere of miracles everywhere I go.

Ø  I am strengthened, energized, endued with power, ability and might. I am a great minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus. I am an ardent soul winner. The word of God shall prosper in my life and fulfill in me what it talks about. 

Ø  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am who God says I am. I am a blessing to my world and All i lay my hands upon to do shall prosper and be blessed

Ø  Kings shall come to my rising. My future is bright and glorious, I cannot fail, neither can i be defeated. 

Ø  I win always, in every situation. Every mountain before me is made plain, All crooked paths are made straight.

Ø  I am the head and not the tail. Any careless word that i have spoken or has been spoken concerning me is nullified in Jesus Name. Grace and peace is multiplied unto me. Springs of joy wells up within me all the time. The word of God is effective in my life. 

Ø  I am super-favoured, I live in superabundance because I am connected to God's unending supply system. The love of God is shed abroad in my heart and this love radiates  to all around me.

Ø  Nothing can stop me, nothing can hinder me. The hand of God rest upon me and my household. 

Ø  I function from the position of rest, I live a struggle free,worry free life all the time... Oh glory to God!!!!!! I thank you for qualifying me to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light.

Ø  Darkness has no place in me, for I'm native-born to the light. 

Ø  I manifest this light to my world ever so brightly today and always walk in the light, as He is in the light. I walk in glory, strength, victory, and righteousness today.

Ø  My life is the manifestation of the wisdom and grace of God! I’m what God says I am

See you at the top

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