Saturday, February 1, 2020


And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil (2 Kings 4:2).       

❇️There are those who have become despondent because they lost their job or because their business took a tailspin.
 ❇️Being born again, such things shouldn’t affect you. 
❇️That you lost your job doesn’t mean anything, and the reason you lost the job isn’t so important either. 
❇️What should matter to you is what we call, “divine positioning.” 

❇️Recall what we read about Joseph in our preceding study; he was a slave. 

❇️He wasn’t receiving a salary, because slaves aren’t paid a salary. 

❇️But the Bible says, “Joseph was a prosperous man,” even as a slave (Genesis 39:2). 

❇️He didn’t have to have a salary to be prosperous. 

❇️He was the seed of Abraham, and that was all that was necessary. 

❇️He had his dream in front of him, and he knew who he was. 

❇️He functioned in divine grace. Hallelujah! 

❇️There is no disadvantage for you as a child of God. 

❇️You have been divinely positioned for greatness in life.

 Romans 8:28 declares, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Nothing happens to you or with you by chance. 

❇️Where you are right now; that situation in which you find yourself, is where your answer is. 

❇️Don’t wish you had the capital or anything else. 

❇️In our theme verse, Elisha asked the widow, “… what hast thou in the house?” With the little pot of oil she had, she became an oil distributor overnight. 

❇️Praise God! All the capital you need is in your mind. 

❇️All the advantage you need is Christ in you. 

❇️Therefore, look to the Holy Spirit in you; trust Him for guidance and direction and do whatever He tells you. He’ll cause His blessing to come on it, and it’ll blossom beyond your dreams. Hallelujah!


❇️Dear Father, thank You for the comfort in Your Word. 

❇️You have blessed the works of my hands and set me on the path of permanent success and prosperity.

❇️ I am flourishing like the cedar in Lebanon. 

❇️I pray for your children around the world today who are faced with diverse challenges; they prevail by the Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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